How To Prevent A Hangover: 6 Tips

Since the hangover is a kind of illness, which has significant impact on daily life and can be a reason of decreased productivity, car accidents and injuries, the search for effective hangover treatment becomes highly important task. But as we know, the prevention is always better than cure, so knowing and practicing the methods of hangover prevention will help you avoid unnecessary problems and save your money on hangover remedies.

In general, the only guaranteed way to avoid hangover is not to drink at all. But let's face it, the party is not a party without alcohol and besides there are situations when you have to drinks (for example, when your boss insists). So, next simple rules will help you save your vitality and clear head next morning after booze.

Drink properly

Right drinking is a basic rule of hangover prevention. This means knowing what to drink, how to drink and how much:

  • How much

    It is obvious that when it comes to preventing hangover, the lesser is the better. It has been proven by many studies that hangover severity directly depends on amount of consumed alcohol. So, drinking in moderation significantly reduces the risk of unpleasant symptoms next morning.

  • What

    Experts recommend drinking clean colorless spirits like vodka or gin instead of whiskey or bourbon, because dark colored alcohol drinks include more toxic substances called congeners, which actually cause the heaviest symptoms of hangover.

    Also, the expensive premium liquors are much better than cheap ones, because they are made of best ingredients and thoroughly filtered to clean of contaminants.

    In addition, you should avoid drinks with bubbles like champagne or diet coke cocktails, because bubbles promote the absorption of alcohol, thus increasing your level of intoxication.

    And sure you should never mix spirits. If you want to avoid hangover - stick to one kind of alcohol drink.

  • How

    Drink slowly - do not overload your liver. Give it time to process all alcohol and get rid of toxins. Eating during drinking, especially of high-fat and high-fiber foods, helps to break down the alcohol and decreases its absorption by the body.

Avoid Smoking

There are numerous evidences that smoking cigarettes increases chances of hangover and makes its symptoms much worse. The reason of this phenomenon is unclear, but most likely the case is that tobacco contains substances, which chemically react with alcohol and enhance intoxication.

Keep yourself hydrated

Dehydration is one of the most obvious reasons of morning thirst and dry mouth, as well as headache and fatigue. So, keeping yourself hydrated during booze can prevent or at least ease the hangover symptoms. You can drink water between alcohol drinks, and what’s more important, drink at least one glass before you go to sleep. Also, you can try sports drinks, which are specially designed to rehydrate body and restore energy and vitality.

Take Vitamins

Inflammation and oxidative stress are among the main reasons of hangovers. Fruits, vegetables and juices rich in vitamins and antioxidants help to prevent them. Take B and C vitamins or drink organic juices couple of hours before your booze. Multivitamins, acai and pomegranate juices, as well as prickly-pear extract are highly recommended.

Take Pills

Activated charcoal is well-known cure for alcohol poisoning. But it can also be used before drinking to prevent hangovers, since it absorbs impurities and reduces intoxication.

Taking painkillers before going sleep help avoid headache next morning. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like ibuprofen, also reduce inflammation caused by alcohol. But pills must be taken carefully, since mixing drugs with alcohol is dangerous - if done regularly, it can seriously damage liver.

Sleep Well

Sleep is very important for our health. Not getting enough sleep will make your hangover symptoms worse and enhance fatigue and irritability. Try to sleep as long as possible after heavy drinking - this will help your body recover better and faster. Plan your party on the nights before weekends or days off, so that you could sleep as much as you want. Turn off your phone before going to bed, close your windows with jalousies or use sleeping mask to prevent sunshine from waking you up the next morning.

Although the result depends on a lot of factors and cannot be 100% guaranteed, following the simple rules above will definitely help you at least relieve symptoms, and in some cases even completely prevent hangovers. Besides this, always remember that people with good health and physical shape have stronger immune system and thus more resistant to any kind of sickness including hangover. Exercises, proper diet and of course not abusing the alcohol do not only contribute your overall health and wellness, but also allow avoiding unpleasant symptoms the morning after drinking.


  1. Great Blog, surely these are the Best Way to Stop Hangover from happening. One can also go for after party drink in order to avoid morning hangovers from happening in first place.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hangovers kept me away from drinking for a long while. I think I suffer from hangovers more so than the next person- my brother recommended Detoxicated to help me avoid a horrible hangover headache and upset stomach. Tried it, liked it, just placed my second order on their site- I think it works like a charm. Asian flush supplement

  4. Great post and thanks for sharing the basic rules. But most of the time it doesn't work. So, the best method to prevent hangover is Armr anti-hangover herbal Shots. This is really good to avoid hangover.
